How to Prepare For a Settlement Agreement With Gorvins Solicitors


A settlement agreement solicitors is a contract that prevents you from bringing any claims against your employer over issues related to employment law in exchange for an agreed sum of money. It can also include other terms such as confidentiality, non-solicitation clauses and restrictions on your movement within the industry. Whether or not you agree to the terms of your settlement agreement, you should always seek independent legal advice from a specialist firm such as Gorvins before signing it.

Expert Settlement Agreement Solicitors: Your Legal Partners in Resolving Disputes

Preparing for a settlement agreement often involves the review and organisation of relevant documents and evidence. This can range from correspondence and financial records through to reports and expert opinions. It is important to look at the documents as a whole to understand the narrative they form and how they could be used in a tribunal or court case.

Our team of experienced settlement agreement solicitors will assess the proposed terms and help you decide whether to accept them. In many cases, it is possible to conclude the negotiations quickly if you are happy with the terms. However, if you believe the amounts offered are inadequate and that you could obtain more in a tribunal or court, our lawyers will advise you on your options.

In addition to the monetary elements of a settlement agreement, it is important to consider all other aspects including any notice payments (whether in full or paid in lieu), contractual bonuses, commission and any property that needs to be returned. It is not unusual for employers to get calculations wrong on these items which can have a significant impact on your final payment.

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